Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Emily Versus Shabnam - Who Goes?

As you'll most likely be aware, young Ziggy showed some excellent selection sense and nominated Indie Music's newest convert - Emily Parr and "I'd do anything for fame" gobshite Shabnam.

Shabnam joining the Big Brother house is her latest bid for fame and fortune following a spread on her unfortunate vaginismus for Company magazine and a a feature on her itchy bacteria-clad scalp for TV's "most embarassing illnesses" - yes, this girl will do anything it seems to be in the public eye.

Sadly for her, at this stage it looks like Friday will be Shabnam's last day in the house. A number of websites are reporting a comfortable online poll lead for Shabnam.

The usually highly accurate BigBrotherOnline has been reporting a 58-62% share for Shabnam and even the contrarians on Digitalspy report a 63% lead.

Oh well, hopefully post Shabba's exit things will "open up" for her and she should be able to "scratch" a living in the media... boom boom.

We will post our own prediction a little later on.

Special Bets


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Big Brother 8 - Enter Rylan Clark?

The Daily Star today went out with a story brewing in the forums for some time, that Rylan Clark - hairdresser, barman, celebrity wannabee and friend of dorothy is poised to enter the house to "shake things up" etc.

So who IS he? Well, Rylan is no shrinking violet so here's his CV posted online. He's also been known to associate himself with Endemol's great and good (see pics below) which is bound to spark cries of "Fix"...

Is there any truth in this seemingly likely tale?

And with Makosi;

Monday, June 04, 2007

Chanelle, Single White Female.

It is widely known that Big Brother contestant Chanelle Hayes' image for the show is of a Victoria Beckham Wannabe - we just didn't realise the extent of Chantelle's Posh obsession until we saw her myspace page which gave us the idea that the reports of this creeping men out are probably accurate.

We don't think that a genuine celebrity stalker dress-a-likey has much chance of grabbing the nation's hearts. Does anyone remember Single White Female? Chanelle may seem sweet and nice right now, but.... whoah!

Chanelle is currently 2nd favourite to win Big Brother. We would lay her on any dip in price to near single digits...

Big Brother 8 - Coverage

To all Big Brother Fans, gossippers, pollsters, gamblers and bawdeeps.

Special Bets will shortly resume service for BB8, with a focus on bikinis.