All You Need Is Hate

This week we have a fascinating eviction contest in which love has played it's part, but has not been the crucial factor in deciding who goes. We could all see from the results of our special survey last week how you would feel towards the "tag-team" pairings up for eviction tomorrow. You would love Pete & Richard. You wouldn't really care about Susie & Imogen. You wouldn't really like Spiral & Michael.
So why will Spiral and Michael leave the house tomorrow, if it's a positive vote? How can we be so sure that Susie & Imogen will get positive votes when the overiding feeling towards them is one of intense apathy?
Here's how.
Of the 465 responses that we've had this week to our survey on who you want to save, 78% of you have either Pete or Richard as your 1st or 2nd favourite. A rational person would expect all of these voters to save their heroes (given that, of the second places, hardly any are ursurped by Susie, Imogen, Spiral, or Michael). However, only 82% of these voters choose to do so. The majority of the rest are being driven by their hatred for the Gruesome Twosome.
This is a large part of the reason why Susie & Imogen are attracting 3 times as many votes as the G.T., and this is why the G.T. will leave the big brother house tomorrow.
As I pointed out at the start of this week, it would appear that the voting public have not satisfied their desire for the smell of burning witches just yet..
PS We've explained how to bet on the 9th Eviction on Betfair in our earlier post here
*If you'd like to receive our poll results by email - send a message to and tell us if you're a gambler or simply a reality TV fan (sometimes we send results only interesting to gamblers)
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Hi Statman are you reseting the poll again to run today? - Will you be updating results on here live like last Friday?
Hi Alf,
We will of course be running our usual Friday polling and analysis. Keep it here for regular updates!
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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