About Last Night... Nikki testing even Endemol's Patience while the Red Tops Get "Behind" Aisleyne;

Pete talked of a "visitor from Heaven who told him he was going to win BB7, and if he doesn't win BB7 then Pete will lose faith in the existence of Heaven" and also that he "was told to come on Big Brother" (by the vision of a dead friend ) "and by myself and to win" - a comment that could have impact depending if/how it is shown/edited - you can see for yourself here;
Does this also mean that God is in danger of not existing if we don't vote for Pete to win Big Brother? A scary thought. Has The Pope been informed?
The Pope, yesterday;

A "drunk" Nikki from midnight through to 3am;
*Upset Glyn by calling him a "simpleton" over and over again
*Berated Glyn for "drinking all the water"
*Complained (again) about the air con (yawn)
*Stuck chewing gum in Glyn's bed to "punish" him
*Decided to "steal" souvenirs from the house
Then was called to the diary room in an attempt to discipline her and to have a banned item confiscated.
The other HMs seem to be growing very tired of Nikki's amateur dramatics, and keen watchers of the live feed have suggested that Pete's body language is now indicating the same thing. How can Pete extract himself from this awful little Rumpelstiltskin? She really can't be doing his popularity any favours as we've see from our own polls.
Aisleyne's Price Shortens Further

Aisleyne traded on the Betfair exchange at prices as low as 6.6 as gamblers digested;
*The Mirror's front-page referenced, 10 point manifesto on why she "deserves to win"
*The Sun's online edition acknowleging her momentum in a short "could she win" article and
*The Special Bets poll update showing Aisleyne within spitting distance of Pete over the lifetime of the poll and actually AHEAD in recent days.
Aisleyne's turnaround - from 140 to 6.8;

Have a free £25 bet on Aisleyne, Pete, Glyn & Co. with our partners Blue Square
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It’s fitting that in the final week we are seeing so many “phantom” positioning of a housemate designed by the bookies for the bookies, namely with Aisleyne. I take my hat off to SpecialBets for “playing along..” with this .. possibly in the knowledge that in the final week they too might as well “milk” the last week for all its worth and make that oh-so-important-killing with their advantage.
1) A "drunk" Nikki from midnight through to 3am;
She was not drunk .. did you actually watch the live footage – or are you again trying to tell the viewers something is white when it is actually black?
2) *Upset Glyn by calling him a "simpleton" over and over
She told him how good he was – that he was the “cleverest housemate” but.. was a simpleton in a comedy situation based around her suffering through drinking neat undiluted blackcurrant juice through Glyn.. and bringing on one of her many stomach problems.
3) *Berated Glyn for "drinking all the water"
Going by the amount of bottled water he had at the side of his bed and not available to other housemates, one would wonder why he needs so many.. greedy springs to mind?
4) *Complained (again) about the air con (yawn)
You inserted this one or your looking out for any derogative remark possible.. one wonders why.
5) *Stuck chewing gum in Glyn's bed to "punish" him
See water.. “Greedy Glyn..” – She was suffering, time for some “payback” – he’s still breathing almost 24 hours later!
6) *Decided to "steal" souvenirs from the house
“SUGGESTED” to the other housemates that they might like to take some memories from the house and might like to “think about it..” as “cases are not searched.” – She wants to take her cup with “Nikki” written on. Nice of her to think of others and not just “doing it..” for herself?
7) *Was called to the diary room in an attempt to discipline her and to have a banned item confiscated.
Was called to the DR to give back a souvenir of a little pad that had fallen from one of the doors.. She gave it back.
Once again – I am loving the way the “serious gamblers” are creating this “phantom” support for Aisleyne that does not exist in the way they are suggesting. But I am more surprised at the way this site is attempting to something as fact that is not the case.. for personal gain! Statman + Co. .. you are abusing the website!
Are you suggesting that they fabricate their poll? They are saying it as they see it.
Anonymous at 7.03pm :) I think you've got the wrong idea about this site! 1) I don't believe Nikki was drunk, that's why I used the inverted commas - that's what they are for. 2) She called Glyn a simpleton about 30 times over an extended period of time - you can interpret that how you like but Glyn was upset and said "that's not very nice". 3) The air con. Nikki talks about being cold regularly when the other HMs are warm. She never thinks to put on a jumper for example instead wails and moans and it is clear others find this irritating. 4)You seem to be suggesting sticking chewing gum in someone's bed is fine, I won't argue with you. 5) Decided/suggested - semantics! 7) Same. And your final point? Well.. look at our eviction record. Noone believed us for example when we first said Mikey would be evicted before Susie. We have called every eviction this series early and correctly. Our views are just those of others, are job is to interpret, analyse and present. Perhaps you would be happier with the AOL poll that had only 5 HMs ot the thisisbigbrother polls with 58% Aisleyne support or polls that show Jennie with 20% of the vote? No need to shoot the messenger!!
It is a very sensitive issue Statman. Perhaps best to remain aloof and stick to producing and interpreting the poll results without the added DS style comments (true or false). Those comments cannot be seen as objective by everyone, so some people are left to interpret your inclusion of them.
Thanks for the poll results in any case.
Good luck! Don't bet with money you can't afford to lose and always use the "freebet" offers that most bookies advertise. If you are smart you can create a small risk free bet - see the http://specialbets.bestbetting.com for a list of "free bet" offers - you could for example put a £25 bet on Pete with Blue Square (link at the top) and get a Free Bet token of £25 and put that on Aisleyne. Of course Glyn might win but I can't see it myself...
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