Big Brother's Pete In The Tabloids - How Has Pete's Recent Tabloid Coverage Affected Your View Of Him?

We wondered what you, the Big Brother voting public thought of the the whole business and whether coverage such as this is likely to affect Pete's popularity and chances of winning the show - here's what 368 of you told us..

So, 79% of you were entirely unmoved by this story in the Mirror, and most of the "other" answers were supportive, some answers were;
"I like Pete not due to the fact that he took drugs but because he's got past it and turned himself around" " I don't believe what I read in the papers" " I will reserve judgement till i hear it from Pete himself, not from his so called friends" and " never really took to him anyway"
We then tried to dig deeper into the answers you gave - here's a summary;

"Another reason" answers were; " It just goes to show that he's not as solid and sound a person as everyone thinks" and " Don't Like Him or His Behaviour"

"Another Reason" answers were; " Everyone does things like this sometimes, but the key is he has learned and moved on" " His heart is in the right place. Past drug use in difficult times is irrelevant" " He has suffered a lot through his life, everyone makes mistakes and he has clearly turned things around for the better."
So in summary, there's a lot of sympathy and good feeling out there towards Pete, and you the BB watching public seem very able to adopt a "forgiving attitude" to attempts in the press to write sensational article about the housemates.
We also suspect that as with the Kate Moss affair - (Kate actually getting more more modelling work after her cocaine-related "scandal") the British public really aren't judgmental about drugs any more in the main..
We asked the "Who do you want to win" question at the end, with Pete scoring 48.6% of all voters - we will show this figure on a weighted basis later today.
This compares to 46.2% of all voters saying they wanted Pete to win in our current eviction poll - so the impact of these types of articles seems limited in terms of their ability to sway public opinion in our view...

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